Archived Projects
2017-19 | ArdSimX Interface
2015-17 | ArdSim Library
2014-15 | ARDref Interface
2013-14 | XPData library
2012-13 | Baron 58 program
2011-12 | First Tests with UDP
ArdSimX Plugin and ArdSimX Firmware is archived project (active development in period of 2016-2018). It was a predecessor of the current SimVimX System and it is not supposed to be developed and supported further.
The main part of this interface was the ArdSimX Plugin for X-Plane, that provided a link with ArdSimX firmware uploaded to Arduino board. You had to upload ArdSimX base skecth with the installed ArdSimX library (firmware). No Arduino coding required! Plugin and Firmware cannot work separately and are only used together! Arduino in this project is used only as a convenient controller platform for ArdSimX firmware and is not supposed to be programmed by user as usual Arduino.
Latest version was: ArdSimX Plugin v. 1.32 (June 2017), ArdSimX Library (June 2018). Issues remained: Some serial drivers on Windows and MasOS Sierra systems caused problems with ArdSimX, you might encounter problems in some systems when multiple USB boards was used.
NOTE: If you used ArdSimX before, you can easily transfer your old cockpit to the SimVimX System and you will have less problems.
!!! We do not provide support for any commercial cockpit hardware that you could buy somewhere as a module proposed as ArdSimX-compatible, and especially module with embedded controller board and loaded ArdSimX firmware, with all the switches connected to it. We are not responsible for any problems that you may encounter.
NOTE: Some product sellers initially used ArdSimX in their hardware modules/devices (even as embedded that is against the Terms of Use), but later have released their own plugins with the same input features to sell their products without ArdSimX.
The interactive configurator below is for informational purposes only. It hasn't been working for a long time, please don't expect it to work because some scripts and database were lost once moving the site to another hosting some time ago and I can't waste time rebuilding it all.
Please use the SimVimX System that has replaced ArdSim/ArdSimX, since it includes all previous interfaces capabilities and offers much more control and output options and requires less efforts and costs to use, provides very flexible input/output configuration..
Mega 1280/2560 |
Uno (and similar) |
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Please first select 2 pins that will be assigned for 74HC595 registers ("LED Displays" buttonon the left). This 2 output pins will be used as common D/L signals for all 7-segment displays and LEDs (serial digital outputs)
Please first select a pin that will be assigned as step direction pin!
This output pin will be used for all steppers connected to this board.
Click on a digital pin to assign it as steppers direction output
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Only use this when you need to exchange data with something other than the input/output devices supported by ArdSimX.
An example of such situation would be data output to an LCD, or sending data to the simulator on a pre-programmed event.
Please, read this page before using Programmed I/O.
Matrix - x - Click the line with node number to configure
Select matrix rows and columns pins in the Arduino board picture (read description on the Matrix connection page)
First row pin - Last row pin -Select 2 encoder Port pins - click on first of 2 pins to be assigned as Bus for all encoders connected to this bus.
Select 2 pins for Registers D and L inputs - click on first of 2 pins to be assigned as Registers D/L.
ArdSimX uses a single config file, named "data.cfg", which includes I/O configuration and connection information for all your Arduino boards. After you've finished using the online configurator, press the "Save" button to download this file. To be used by the plugin, the "data.cfg" file must be placed in ArdSim's plugin folder (X-Plane/Resources/plugins/ArdSimX).