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Main Configuration and Conversion Tool.

Download conversions for custom aircraft models (completed or in the process of conversion files).

Barom 58 - Main panel

Left Instrument Panel

The main panel basis is made from 5mm plywood. After holes cutting the panel has been sanded and painted by primer then by spray paint (DAP Touch'n tone - "Appliance White"). The sheets of 4mm PVC were used for the left and right cover plates of main flight instruments and radio panel.

Screws fixed on a piece of polystyrene foam for painting Screws after painting

Engines gauges, ARTEX ELT-200 remote switch and vent

Emergency switch is made from 2-3mm PVC and top parts of the red switch (See original ELT-200).


Micro encoders mountig:

The photos below show how the small encoder from the mouse is placed in the 5-mm panel.

... the mouse wheel axle is used for the knobs shaft.


The letters are simply printed on self-adhesive thin paper, with very carefully chosen color of lettering background to fit the panel color, and the paper is cut closest to the letters. It's not a "long living" lettering, though it looks good enough and easy to repair.

Left Instrument Panel

ADI KI-256 and HSI KI-525A

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Left cover plate with bezels for the main 3 1/8" instruments, faceplates for DME, Alt Selector and Annunciator Panel.

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Altitude Selector

KAS-297 Altitude Selector allows you pre-select desired altitude when using autopilot KFC-200. First picture shows the real KAS-297.

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DME Indicator KDI-572

KDI-572 unit is used to display information from a remote DME Receiver/Transmitter (KN-63).

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Annunciator Panel KA-285

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KA-51B Slaving Meter indicates the difference between the displayed heading and the magnetic heading. Indicator is not operational in this cockpit sim, it's just for authentic representation. Made from PVC of 1-43 mm, for small indicator window the piece of half-cylinder plexi was used. First picture shows the real KA-51B.

Real KA-51B selector/meter b58img b58img b58img

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